Executives of Miharashi, Inc.
It features consulting that makes use of its abundant experience in a wide range of fields such as IT, marketing, advertising, events, corporate accounting, financial strategy, and organizational strategy. At the same time, business experience and personal connections not only in Japan but also in international markets such as the United States and Asia are utilized not in desk theory but in concrete partnership proposals.

Kan Morita
(CEO / Chief Consultant)

Kazuhiro Tatsuki
(CFO / Chief Consultant)
Born in Ibaraki prefecture. After studying abroad in Australia, worked at Dentsu Headquarters (TV planning, sports, entertainment) After that, he has 15 years of business experience in Singapore. He has a lot of experience as a producer in various marketing and IT related projects, and is good at consulting that makes use of personal connections around the world.
Born in Niigata prefecture. Certified accountant. As a certified accountant, I will take advantage of my experience of supporting the business management of various companies and organizations from large to small and medium-sized enterprises for many years, and will respond to a wide range of issues from concrete strategy construction to daily business management.

Kensuke Fujie
(CSO / Chief Strategic Officer)
Born in Okayama prefecture. Currently participated in various projects as a researcher at the Institute for Future Engineering, one of the top five science think tanks in the world ranking.
Started my career building with more than 30 years of marketing communication business at Dentsu.
Experienced in varieties of tasks such as an account manager mainly for the Hitachi Group, a leader of international business development and an internal digitalization initiatives, as well as executive officer of ISID.